martes, 2 de abril de 2013


I thought that life was passing by and I couldn’t find a reason to make it stay…….

I found out that we can’t make life stay it just passes us by all the time.


The only way of making it stay is cherishing the memories that bring us happiness.

Although those memories that brought us happiness now bring us pain, because there part of a past that will never return.


Sometimes we feel it is better to let life pass by, because if it passes the pains while also pass.

But that isn’t true sometimes there are pains that never go away, time cant change or make the pain go away.


The only way for the pain to pass by is not with time, it’s with our ability to find new things that make us happy, and then that pain will fill up with joy.


Life is the most beautiful thing God gave us, with all its ups and downs. Life has a few happy moments; lots of sad moments and many more just calmed moments. But all those moments are important because we learn from them.


Life is a constant battle for us, and always no matter what we have to be firm to keep on fighting.

Fighting for things to be better…..

 Fighting against the stream……..

 Fighting for justice……….

We have so many reasons for fighting, but few people that really fight.


This life doesn’t really have a time for us to rest; we will have that time when we reach GOD.


God has put us in this world for some special reason, and that reason has nothing to do with money or power, those reasons are selfish reasons that kill your soul and kill any principle a person could have.


Someone very special once said things that distinguish people with principals from those without principals, or honour and courage.

Honour to maintain their principals……

Courage to fight for things they truly believe in…….and among all courage to change things that are wrong.


For most of the people, it may seem strange to understand these feelings, but we don’t have to expect people to understand this, we have to get used to people not really understanding this principals. That doesn’t matter; understanding is not enough, what matters is demonstrating with your acts what really counts.

Words are taken by the wind actions stay forever. But words can also construct or destroy and we should never underestimate their true value.